The Membership Roles

We the undersigned are the members of the Better With Booze Film Club.  We pledge to serve you, the listener, by watching the movies you don't want to and then telling you all about them.  We are a valuable service provider.

Cameron Furman
President, Chairman of the Bored and Designated Driver

Sarah Latta
Vice President, Chairwoman, The Positive Female Influence Committee

Glenn McQuaig
Vice President, Chairman, 1980’s Committee and AARP Outreach Coordinator

Alastair Peters
Secretary, Chairman, Committee on the Investigation of Artistic Merit

Josh Cagno
Treasurer, Chairman, Which Podcast Are We Doing This Week? Committee

Dan Zdilla
Chairman, Dogs Are A Man’s Best Friend Committee

Isaiah Hegedus
Chairman, Booze Recommendation Committee and Committee on Graphic Arts

Taylor Rice
Chairman, Committee for the Re-Election of the President

Brendan Acebo
Chairman, Tasting Committee

John McQuaig
Chairman, The Sons of Glenn McQuaig Committee

Steven Jostes
Chairman, Maybe It’s Maybelline Committee

Scott Martin
Chairman, The ‘stache Memorial Fundraiser

Cassia Furman
Chairwoman, Sisters of the Podcast Committee